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On-demand inkjet labelling could reduce CO2 emissions by 6.7 million tonnes a year

On-demand inkjet labelling could reduce CO2 emissions by 6.7 million tonnes a year

New research from independent consultants Smithers shows how on-demand inkjet labelling can save European businesses significant energy, reduce massive material and ink waste and make labelling operations far more efficient and sustainable.

If European businesses switched to using on-demand inkjet labelling, energy savings of 28.7 million kWhΒ could be achieved each year, the equivalent of lighting 95,960 homes and equal to a reduction of 6.7 million tonnes of CO2. Β On-demand inkjet printing can also eliminate 180 million square metres of label waste, the equivalent covering of 25,264 football pitches, and will cut ink waste by an estimated 619 tonnes, the equivalent weight of 41 double decker buses.


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